Zanu PF elective congress set for October

Source: Zanu PF elective congress set for October | The Herald President Mnangagwa Joseph Madzimure Senior Reporter ZANU PF will hold its congress in October this year ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections. Speaking at the 361 Politburo session this afternoon, President Mnangagwa, who is the party’s First Secretary, said all was set for the […]

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Source: Zanu PF elective congress set for October | The Herald

Zanu PF elective congress set for October
President Mnangagwa

Joseph Madzimure Senior Reporter

ZANU PF will hold its congress in October this year ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

Speaking at the 361 Politburo session this afternoon, President Mnangagwa, who is the party’s First Secretary, said all was set for the Zanu PF conferences.

“As we convene at this session, it is also important that we remain alive to the fact that, this is the year our party is holding our elective conferences of the Women and Youth Leagues as well as the party Congress scheduled for October 2022,” said President Mnangagwa.

The post Zanu PF elective congress set for October appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.