Alleged Financier of Zanu PF Activist’s Campaign Exposed

Source: Alleged Financier of Zanu PF Activist’s Campaign Exposed Controversial businessman Simon Rudland, co-founder of Gold Leaf Tobacco, is at the center of a storm following allegations that he is financing Zanu PF activist Rutendo Matinyarare’s campaign against INNSCOR and its founder Zinona “Zed” Koudounaris. Matinyarare’s former lawyer, Simba Chitando, has filed an explosive affidavit […]

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Source: Alleged Financier of Zanu PF Activist’s Campaign Exposed

Controversial businessman Simon Rudland, co-founder of Gold Leaf Tobacco, is at the center of a storm following allegations that he is financing Zanu PF activist Rutendo Matinyarare’s campaign against INNSCOR and its founder Zinona “Zed” Koudounaris.

Matinyarare’s former lawyer, Simba Chitando, has filed an explosive affidavit in a South African court, exposing details of Rudland’s alleged financial support for Matinyarare’s campaign. Chitando accuses Matinyarare of committing perjury and obstructing justice, stating, “I depose this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint against Mr. Rutendo Benson Matinyarare…Matinyarare has committed the offence of perjury and obstructed the administration of justice.”

Matinyarare has been waging a campaign on social media against INNSCOR, alleging “food imperialism” and genetically modified foods. However, he has lost court battles and been forced to remove offending posts. A fallout with Chitando has revealed WhatsApp messages between the two, showing Matinyarare boasting of Rudland’s alleged financial support.

In the messages, Matinyarare claims Rudland is overseeing the drafting of court papers and has set aside funds for the legal battle. One message reads, “He (Rudland) feels that by now, we should have put Zed in a corner with the evidence we have.” Another message appears to show Rudland expressing concern about Chitando’s competency and requesting a comprehensive report on the case’s progression.

Rudland, one of Zimbabwe’s richest men, has been accused of selling illicit cigarettes and evading taxes in South Africa and allegedly involved in gold smuggling from Zimbabwe. Matinyarare’s campaign has also raised concerns about his views on sexual consent, with Chitando stating, “I do not share Matinyarare’s views regarding the age of sexual consent. In my view, a 16-year-old is a child, and ought to be protected from middle-aged sexual predators.”

The post Alleged Financier of Zanu PF Activist’s Campaign Exposed appeared first on Zimbabwe Situation.